Saturday, November 10, 2007

Another Nerdy Afternoon

Immortal Plastic
This is so awesome. You'll have to listen it yourself. A satire podcast
You are introduced to a plastic bag and you are to follows it around.

I am feeling nerdy..
what happens to the shopping, the sample sales etc..
Today i was so tempted to go to the Gentle Fawn + Spiewak sample sale, but then.. for some reason my gf didn't wanna pick me up (a 5mins drive for her but a 20mins bus ride for me) so i had 2nd thoughts..

So then i went to Chapters for some inspirations, and was really disappointed that they do not have ANY of the Edward Tufte's books in store (by the way, Tufte has the most horrible website).. then I looked at some magazines, including the environment ones. They are promoting eco-fashion etc. for a moment, i felt weird and unsure. What they are saying is basically, you have the choice to buy good products or bad products, so it is okay to buy the good ones to fulfill your shopping desires.

Well then, if you are producing more, how can it be sustainable. It is better, but not necessarily exactly healthy for the environment... came across this Greensumption video and understood.. i was right.. almost greenwashed again.. we need to change our shopping habits.

1 comment:

Pango said...

false solution indeed.
good one.
consumerism kills all.
so it all comes down to the triditional way of thinking now.
only buy what you need, saves money and resource. don't throw away something just because you don't like how it look or a new one is comming out. use less, buy less and take a 5 mins of thinking before u buy soemthing.
the major cause of our globe trying to kill us along with many other animals is just our habit.