Thursday, February 7, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year!

Went to Aberdeen Centre last night at 8pm. I'd never seen so many people there. I do not enjoy going to Richmond, however last night was surprisingly pleasant. Talking about personal spaces, there wasn't much yesterday, but I enjoyed it, it made me feel closer to the other people. The way the escalators and washrooms are arranged makes you walk around in circles (=business for their stores) was actually not bad for me as a flâneur. I actually had lots of work to do but it was nice for me to get out and experience this-- was totally not my intension of going there. The mall was open till 1230am last night which was unbelievable for Vancouver! I miss the night life in the sleepless city of Asia where people are basically out during all times of day.

*note: These photos shown here do not portray the amount of people that were present at all. It was actually extremely crowded there, finding a spot with a good view at the center was so hard. There was a boundary set to separate the performers and audiences, and people are pretty strict about crossing that boundary.

1 comment:

kazu said...

Happy Chinese New Years Lovely. Have a great weekend - of celebration and wish you great health and prosperity in the new year!